Thursday, August 28, 2008

I hate covering the space/what do teachers make?

First, in my gph111 class our teacher likes to start the lecture off with a funny video to kind of loosen us up, and this is the one he played on wednesday, and I looooved it. I will put in a disclaimer though: he uses a minor curse word, uses an inappropriate finger gesture, and drops a G-D at the end. BUT this video really says something to those of you who question the motivations of those who choose to become teachers. Enjoy.

Last night I worked until about midnight, came home, did homework until about 2 am, then got into bed feeling proud of myself for all I had accomplished, and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I was very upset to see that it was 9:00 am, when my alarm SHOULD have gone off at 6, making me completely miss my institute class, and my ed. psych class. Fortunately, I emailed my EDP teacher and he said he doesn't start taking attendence until next week so I won't miss out on any points, BUT the assignment I stayed up until 2 working on was for that class so now I will have to turn it in monday for half credit, not too bad since the assignment was only worth like 2 points, I was really up that late doing the assigned reading that accompanied the assignment.

Today in THP, my teacher drama class, we played theater games the whole time, one of which I really hated call "cover the space". In this activity everyone walks around the room pretty much randomly, our goal being "if you see empty space in the room, walk towards it, and cover it up" I am not joking, those are the exact instructions. He would make different rules like, only walking in right angles, if you don't hold a partner's hand you have to crawl on the floor, etc. but overall I thought this was the most ridiculous/annoying activity ever ha ha. The other game was pretty interesting though. It was called tilt, we all were paired off and our teacher put a water bottle on the floor in the center of the room. The pairs took turns pretending they were standing on opposite sides of a plate, the water bottle represented the center of the plate, and so if one person moved closer to the plate the other must also step closer or else the plate would tilt and fall. I had a lot of fun with this one because during my turn I kept trying to fake out my partner, by starting to step in one direction and then quickly pulling my foot back, so then she would tip our plate. I don't think she appreciated this, but I laughed everytime, I am sure my teacher thinks I am an idiot, haha. Do I care? No.

Love, Madi

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