Monday, August 29, 2011

Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy

In my advanced conversational spanish class we were asked to make a list of the top ten things that make us happy. I had so much fun thinking about 10 things, I think it might be more fun to make an even longer list! So, if you ever catch me in a less than cheerful mood, which is rare, you will now know what to do to cheer me up.

(Number 1 is number 1, but the rest have no order of importance)

1. The relationship that I have with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

2. The relationships that I have with family, friends, coworkers, classmates, teachers, and even random people I have met once and will never see ever again.

3. Almost anything in spanish.

4. Getting letters in the mail. Not bills, handwritten letters.

5. Perfect weather. When it's just cold enough to wear a hoodie, and I am not freezing. When the light breeze just tickles my face. There's enough clouds that it's a bit overcast, but it's not gloomy.

6. The temple.

7. Music that seems to convey EXACTLY how I feel in that precise moment.

8. Phone calls that I wasn't expecting from someone I haven't talked to in a long time.

9. Dr. Pepper after a really stressful day at school.

10. Laughing. This should be number 2, I LOVE laughing. Hysterically, if at all possible.

11. Talking to people that I taught as a missionary and hearing how awesome they are doing.

12. Getting my homework done early and not having to stress about it.

13. Dancing, usually bachata, merengue or salsa, because I actually semi know what I am doing.

14. Being with my little sister. She is crazy just like me and when we are together it is always epic.

15. Disney movies.

16. Having the opportunity to help someone that needs it.

17. Driving with the windows down and singing to the radio at the top of my lungs.


19. Reading. Especially those books that you pick up and don't put down until you finish it at 5 in the morning.

20. Funny videos on youtube. My sister and I ALWAYS share youtube videos with each other, it's basically how we bond.

21. The things that little kids say. Such as: "Are you married? You look married." hahahaha

22. Making new friends. So, if I tell you, "let's be best friends" 5 minutes after meeting you, it is normal, and I really do want to be your best friend.

23. Running, and the feeling that I am cutting through the air.

24. Anything random, spontaneous and unexpected.

25. Living in a valley surrounded by mountains.

26. Eating homemade meals, usually made by my mother, sister hofeling or sister hansen.

27. Surprises. Only the good kind though, not like, "surprise! you got a speeding ticket!" Yeah...thanks mom.

28. New shoes. Slight addiction. Maybe.

29. Watching MormonMessages on or the profile videos on

30. HUGS. Wow how did I not think of this before 30? This is like instant joy, but only if it's a good hug, not a lame one.

Mmmmm now I want to go accomplish all of those things RIGHT NOW.


JennaK said...

Great list. I'm not sure I could come up with so many.

indeazgirl said...

It's random that I found you. Love your lists!!