Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Want to be Something That's Different

I just got done watching Freedom Writers, I figured since madtv made fun of it it must be worth watching, and I just loved it! This is the kind of change I want to happen in my classroom one day. I want to be able to inspire my students to go above and beyond and to feel as if they can achieve their dreams and more. But, can someone like me really accomplish such a goal? Can I really be a great teacher and have an impact on my students? I really hope so, but it's hard not to doubt myself, with no experience, and with such a naive view on life, I think I need to really change my outlook on life and truly understand what life is like for people from different walks of life before I can be an effective teacher. This also made me I really want to stick with an elementary ed. major? My original plan was to be seconday ed./english, maybe that is what is right for me, ahh who knows? Well, I know of one person who knows, I just haven't asked Him yet, lol, maybe I should get on that.

I cannot believe May is pretty much halfway over!!! In about three weeks I will be experiencing probably the busiest week of my summer, be looking forward to hearing a lot in my blog around June 7-20 :)

Love, Madison

1 comment:

Kara Staples said...

I knew I forgot something! I fixed it just for you! :)

I think you'll be an amazing teacher, Madison. You'll be one of those teachers that students talk about years after they had you; because you impacted them that much!

I miss you!