Every year my mommy gives me a Valentine's Day gift, and let me just say that my mom is the best gift giver in the history of gift giving. It's not because she buys super fantastically expensive gifts but because she puts her heart into them. My mom has a huge heart and is full of charity, and is a great example to me! Anyways, this year I received a goody bag full of amazingness. Most of it contained things I need on a daily basis, and most of them were things I had run out of this week and needed to go purchase, such as shave gel, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. There were also some fun things, such as the "grow a boyfriend" who was said to expand 600% within 2 days! false doctrine, according to my mother he is just like a real boyfriend: good for nothing, haha, love her. My favorite part of my care package was actually a regift, something that was given to my mother that she didn't care for so I have been blessed with the regift. It is a day by day calendar, you know like the kind where you tear off the day as time passes, you know those kind. This one was made by Sparknotes and has a different Shakespeare quote and a translation of the quote for everyday. Some are boring when taken out of context, but some are way funny, so I have decided that when I come across a quote that I like I will try and share it on here and share my thoughts. Today is the perfect day to begin.
Original: "I would it were otherwise. I would my means were greater and my waist slender."
Translation: "I wish it were the other way around: that my bank account were huge and my waist were thin"
Thoughts: True Story. I feel like this quote isn't exactly what I am experiencing, but relatable to my own situation. I have never wanted too much of an excess, I just want to be able to survive and have a good chunk of money in my savings account, which I had been able to do the last few years. This year, however, things have changed. This past year I lost my scholarship at ASU that completely covered tuition, and not because my grades were below par but because my parents made too much money. This really upset me because my parents do not support me financially, at all, but what can ya do? So this year I have been working my tail off to live on my own in Tempe, pay tuition without taking out loans and without any financial aid, and working around 40 hours a week at in n out. So, needless to say, my means are not great. I have acquired some debt, but not so much that I won't have it paid off by the end of the semester, but just the same, it feels like such a burden to have a large amount of debt for the first time and rather frightens me. I am hoping that I can find some scholarships/grants before next year so I can pull myself out of debt and get my savings built back up.
The part about the slimmer waist applies of course, I think everyone always has the desire to be more fit and in shape regardless of their current condition. I don't feel like I NEED to slim down, and feel pretty comfortable with my image, BUT I definitely miss running. In the last year I found a love for running and a couple nights a week I would run from my apartment down tempe town lake and back and felt such a huge stress relief from that. But, now that I work from 5 pm to 2 am most week nights I can't find the time to run since I have class during the day. Another obstacle is that I would usually run at night, I always carried pepper spray and ran where it was well-lit and felt safe, but a month or so ago someone was stabbed to death on my running route, therefore I have chosen not to run by my apartment anymore. You may suggest that I just go to the SRC and run on the treadmill, but it could never replace the feeling of running outdoors, the chill in the air tickling my skin (depending on the season that tickling sensation might just be sweat), the glitter of tempe down lake in my view, watching the world pass by as I project my body in a forward motion. mmmm. If only I had some big strong man to run with me for protection, or a big dog with sharp teeth.